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At Culleapo we know that culture plays a significant role in the success of business strategy implementation, as it can lift performance or seriously hinder it.
We can partner with you to understand your culture and how it contributes to the success of your organisation. We can identify the the derailers.
Having a culture strategy and plan in place that is bespoke for your organisation can be a key advantage to business performance, collective leadership effectiveness and talent sustainability.
Co-designing a culture that embodies and celebrates diversity and inclusion is a competitive performance advantage and lifts your employment brand.
Deepening your knowledge of culture can support your M&A activity and business performance.


At Culleapo we know that Leaders drive culture and organisation performance. Leaders have the greatest impact on their people’s engagement levels and desire to stay. Investing in your leadership development is critical for any organisation, team or community
We partner with you to prepare leaders for the challenges they navigate in the current VUCA world.
Lifting a leader's self-awareness will lift leadership capability and effectiveness and drive performance.
Through bespoke development analysis we can match leaders with good solutions that align to their leadership development goals.
We design, source and curate development solutions that are tailored to your leaders’ development goals working in partnership with you.


At Culleapo we support people to reach their full potential:

Designing and sourcing solutions taking a human-centred approach to talent management
Working with individual contributors and leaders to explore their potential more fully through individual mentoring/coaching programs
Partnering with organisations and teams to reinvent and reinvigorate their talent strategy

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Need more details? Contact us

We are here to assist. Contact us by phone, email or via our social media channels.
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